Image Description: 8 dancers in black look to the sky with hands on their heads.

Image Description: 8 dancers in black look to the sky with hands on their heads.

Photo by Kendra Epik

About Nuit

Nuit is legendary Canadian choreographer Jean-Pierre Perreault’s seminal work exploring the individual within the collective through fiery, demanding contemporary dance. During the harsh night, eight performers grapple with the hurly-burly of everyday life, pushing themselves to the limit where tensions emerge and a troubling, subterranean vulnerability is expressed.

In Nuit dance becomes a “sculptural material endowed with mobility”, which makes this a major work, not only in Perreault’s legacy but in the history of Canadian choreography.

Nuit - ASL Vlog

Nuit - Venue Guide

How to Experience Nuit

Content Information: Plot details will be revealed. (Spoiler alert!)

Artist and Collaborators


For more Information about Nuit, click HERE

Thank you

Generously Supported by Nancy Pencer